Friday, January 04, 2008

Iowa caucuses show people want a person with heart

I watched a lot of coverage from the Iowa caucuses last night. Like most people I was surprised by the outcomes. But I think I have a little different twist on maybe why Obama and Huckabee won their races.

Most commentators are crediting these victories on a desire for change calling Huckabee and Obama the two most outside candidates. Others credit Huckabee's victory on his connection with evangelicals. While both of those are true to some extent, I think that there is a greater reason for their victories. The reason that these guys won is that both of them can speak in a way that engages the heart. Obama's speech was motivational. Huckabee's speech was personal. Obama's has been likened to Martin Luther King Jr. in his power and direction. I would say that Huckabee's is much like listening to Max Lucado.

America, if Iowa is a measure, may just need a spokesperson. After 8 years of George W. Bush and his blunders and not much better with Clinton's 8 years before him, I think America is looking for a leader that can connect with the people emotionally. After all, isn't that why Reagan was so successful?

I don't know that these Iowa result will mean anything in the end, but I'm convince that Iowan where attracted to the two candidates with the most heart in their public speaking. I hope their speeches are true indicators of their character. Because this year, my main goal is to look past the issues and try to vote based on the character of the candidates.